Gait bout classification using acceleration data in the vertical direction from the lumbar location.
- Parameters:
- result_file: str
Optional argument that accepts .h5 filepath string to save resulting predictions to. None by default. (ie. myfolder/myfile.h5)
- Returns:
- pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing results of bout classification procedure (classify_bouts)
Inverted pendulum and continuous wavelet based method of gait feature detection
- Parameters:
- subject_height: int or float
Height of the subject. Accepts centimeters by default.
- subject_height_units: str
Units of provided subject height. Centimeters by default.
options: ‘centimeters’, ‘inches’, ‘meters’
- sensor_height_ratio: float
Height of the sensor relative to subject height. Calculated: sensor height / subject height
- result_file: str
Optional argument that accepts .csv filepath string to save resulting gait feature dataframe to. None by default. (ie. myfolder/myfile.csv)
- classified_gait: str or pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing results of gait bout classification procedure (classify_bouts)
File path of .h5 file containing results of gait bout classification procedure (classify_bouts)
- ic_prom: int
Prominance of initial contact peak detection
- fc_prom: int
Prominance of final contact peak detection
- Returns:
- pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing results of feature extraction procedure (extract_features)
Visualization of bouts, initial contacts, and final contacts of lumbar based gait feature extraction
- Parameters:
- gait_features: pandas.DataFrame or str
Pandas dataframe containing results of extract_features function
File path of .csv file containing results of extract_features function
- result_file: str
Optional argument that accepts .html filepath string to save resulting gait event plot to. None by default. (ie. myfolder/myfile.html)
- show_plot: bool
Optional boolean argument that specifies whether your plot is displayed. True by default.